Shri Chitrakut Baithakji Number 24

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Here by the side of the Kantanath mountain under a shady tree Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya conducted a discourse on the Shrimad Bhagavatam and Ramayan, the story of Lord Rama. Hunuman, the monkey god, standing daily came to hear the dscourse while standing on one foot. Shri Mahaprabhuji requested him to take his seat, but the monkey god replied that to stand was his oath of austerity.

Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya later explained that the Kantanath mountain is the brother of Shri Giriraja Hill, therefore we should not walk on the sacred mountain. Kantanath mountain, wishing Mahaprabhuji to bless him with the touch of his feet, came disguised as a Brahman saying, “Sita and Ram have told me to tell you that they are on top of the Kantanath mnountain and are very hungry so please bring them some food.”

Mahaprabhuji then requested Damala to prepare bananas with sugar, cardaman, and rose water, Krishnadas questioned, “How is it possible to offer the foodstuff to Shri Krishna and to Shri Ram. Shri Mahaprabhuji replied, “Ram is no other than Lord Krishna, the only difference is that Lord Ram is controllec by law while Krishna is governed by grace.” Shri Mahaprabhu then ascended the mountain and there saw Sita and Ram sitting with Laxshman by their side holding an umbrella while Manuman stood by with folded hands.
Shri Rama, taking Shri Mahaprabhu’s hand made him sit next to him on his jewelled throne. After Lord Ram and Sita partook of the bananas, Laxshman and Hamunan took the remains. For some time Lord Rama and Mahaprabhuji became engrossed in diving discourse. Shri Ram then said, “It was my great desire to partake of the food offered by your hand. Mahaprabhuji then took his leave and returned to the bottom of the mountain.

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Shri Sukar Kshetra: Soro Baithakji Number 23

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In the area of Soram Kshetra at Soram Ghat, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya made his halt. There Krishnadas Meghan went to see his former guru wiothout Mahaprabhuji’s permission. His previous guru asked him, “why have you made a second guru” Krishnadas replied, “ you are my guru and it is by your grace I have come into contact with Lord Vallabhacharya.”

His guru then questioned, “How do you know he is truely the Lord.” Krishnadas then took some burning ambers in his hands and declared, “If the fire does not burn my hands, then know what I say to be true.

The fire failed to have any burning effect on his hands and his previous guru the became convinced of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhachrya’s divinity.

Once while Mahaprabhuji was bathing in the Ganges, his older brother Keshava puri arrived there. He showed off to his brother that he could walk on the waters of the Ganges. Mahaprabhuji seeing this said that man’s greatest power is in serving the Lord. When his brother asked him to demonstrate some of his prowers, Shri Mahaprabhuji was not pleased such boasterous talk and remain silent. On the following day, his brother again showed off his ability to tred water but when he reached to middle of the river he sank. Drowning, he called out to his brother who was at that time making his prayers. Shri Mahaprabhuji siting on the bank, extended his arms hundreds of feet and saved his sinking brother. Keshava Bhatt seeing this miraculous feat bowed low before Mahasrabhuji.

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Shri Maansarovar Baithakji Number 22

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Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhachayra stayed for three days at Mansarovar discussing the Shrimad Bhagavatam. Once, Damala awoke in the middle of the night and noticed that his guru was missing. A few hours later, Shri Krishna appeared before Damala who exclaimed, “Today I am certainly blessed to have your supreme vision. “The Lord than told Damal, “Today, Shri Radha has become very displeased with me.”

Later, Shri Radha came to the Lord and Their reuinon was established. Damala and Shri Mahaprabhuji had the sight of this divine pastime. All of this transpired while the other Vaishnavas were deeply emersed in Sleep.

From Manasaravar, Mahaprabhuji proceed to Lohavan, Raval, Shri Baldevaji, Mahavan, and then took his bath in the yanauna river at Brahmanda Ghat. There all his disciples had the vision of the Lord playing with his other cowherd friends. Then he continued on stopping at Raman Reti, Utareshvar Ght, Yashoda Ghat and finally at Shri Gokul’s Govinda Ghat. Here Acharya Mahaprabhu celebrated Krishna’s appearance day by swinging child Krishna (Lord Navanita priayji) in a cloth. All of the people there had the divine vision that child Krishna was swinging in a jewel studded cradle. With his iparents Nanda and Yashoda roking him. Nanda and Yashoda told Mahaprabhu to ask of them whatever the wanted. Mahaprabhuji requested “In the future you should not give this divine sight to everyon because if unqualified people see saw a vision they would still not have faith. We will dress up like you, and appear through us instead.”

At Banares there was also a divine appearance day celebration at the house of purushttamdas but the celebration in Shri Gokul was most amazing because it is Shri Krishna’s birthplace

From here Shri Mahaprabhuji went to Mathura and gave one Brahmin priest 100 rupees in honor of the completion of his first all India pilgrimage. Maheprabhu Vallabhacharya made three pilgrimages around the Braja land as well as three all India pilgrimages sanctifying everyplace he went.

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Shri Bhandirvan Baithakji Number 21

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From Kolilavan, Mahaprabhu Vallabhachayra proceeded to Bathain, Kotvan, and stayed the night at Shesasia. Then he continued to Ramghat, Gopighat, Gangavan, Nivarnvan, Chinghat, Nandaghat and then finally to Bhandirvan where he held a seven reading of the Shrimad Bhagavatam. Their Byastirth a religious head of the Madhava Sampradaya said to Mahaprabhu Vallabhcharys, “I have over 100,00 disciple and many famous kings are among them. Madavendra puri is my disciple and his disciple is Krishna Chaitanya. I have come here to drop my body. I feel that you are capable to take over my position, so I am giving you 100,00 rupees and my religious position. Shri Mahaprabhuji told him that he would reply him the next morning. That might, the servants of the Lord came and beat Vyastirth who cried, “why are you beating me? “The Lord’s servants replied, “you have the pride to think that you can give something to Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya. Your words to his were most unbefitting. If you wish to fare well, go and grasp hi feet, seek his protection.

The following morning, Vyastirth apologized for his prideful words and prayed to made a disciple. Shri Mahaprabhuji initiated him into the path of Grace and then went on to Mansarovar stopping on the way at Blevan and Bhadravan.

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Shri Kokilavan Baithakji Number 20

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Here by the Krishna lake, under a tree, Mahaprabhu Vallabhachayra resided for one month discussing the Shrimad Bhagavatam. Their Chaturnaga a disciple of the Nimvark Sampradays approached Mahaprabhuji and said, “we have heard that you support the path of Devotion as taught by Vshnu Svami and have debated and defeated all the Mayavadians in the south. Please shower you infinite grace on the thousand hermits living here by feeding them all rice pudding.

Mahaprabhuji then told Krishnadas to bring five kilos of milk and make the pudding for the hermits. When the pudding was prepared, Mahaprabhuji glanced over it and it became an inexhastable five kilos of pudding. The thousand hermits were feed the pudding in bowls made of leaves and even after everyone had finished, the same five kilos of pudding remained. Mahaprabhuji then told Krishnadas to distribute the rest of the pudding to all the peacocks and monkeys in the areas, but even after that the original five kilos of rice pudding remained. Only when Vasudevadas took the remains of the pudding to his home did the five kilos of pudding finally diminish.

Chaturnaga seeing this amazing pastime prayed, “you are no other than the Lord Himself. I was ignorant of your true form, but now I pray t be made you disciple.”

Shri Mahaprabhu replied, “you already have a guru, but by the grace of my grandson, Shri Gokulnathji who will appear in the future, you will enter into the path of Grace.”

Chatrunaga questioned, “what will be my condition intil then.”

“You will live for 150 years and then my grandson Shri Gokulnathji will shower his grace on you during your 110 th year.”

For many years, Chaturnaga wander about in to holy preceints of Vrindavan always absorbed in the Lord’s divine remembrance. Once, while rambling about, his hair got tangled on a branch and for three days he could not free himself. Then Shri Krishna came and untangle his hair. During that time, King Jahangir order that all Tulsi necklaces worn by the Vaishnavas not to be worn. Chaturnaga fell a victum to the order and fhad his necklace removed. Shortly later, Chaturnaga passed Shri Gokulnathji in Mathura. Shri Gokulnathji called, “Chaturnaga, although we are married people, we did not take off our tulsi necklaces. How is it that you a hermit had yours removed?”

Chaturnaga prostrated before Shri Gokulnathji and holding on to his feet said with welling eyes, “After so long a wait have net you. Kindly accept me as your disciple and give me Tulsi necklace.”

Gokulnathji knowing the promise of Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya made Chaturnaga his disciple. From that time, Chaturnaga always went about sing the glories of his guru. At the age of 150 he dropped his body at Govinda lake by the Govaradhan hill and enter into Krishna’s lila.

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Shri Nand Gav Baithakji Number 19

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Here, Shri Mahaprabhujji stayed for six months discussing the Shrimad Bhagavatam. Uddhavaji, a friend of Shri Krishna stayed there for one month to acquire true spiritual knowledge form Achrya Mahaprabhuji. Krishna’s father, Nanda Baba also divinely appeared and listened for the entire six months.

Once, while Shri Mahaprabhuji was sitting by the lake a Muslim cam to let his horse dring of the lakes waters. The horse drank too much water and suddenly feel dead and out of his body appeared a celestrial form with four arms and ascended to the eternal realm of Vaikuntha. All present there were blessed to see the divine occurance.

The Muslim, who also witnessed it approached Mahaprabhuji and prayed to be made His disciples but was told that his liberation would take place in his next birth. The Muslim left, placing Mahaprabhu Vallabhachrya’s lotus feet always in his heart and shortly thereafter left his material body. He took rebirth as Sangji in the home of a shoe maker. He always practied tantra and became very proficient in the use of spells and mantras. Once he had a argument with one disciple of Shri Vitthalnathji, Shri Vallabhacharya’s son and decided that at night he would dispose of him by means of his various mantras and spells. For the whole night he tried but that devotee remained completely unaffected. Sangji then realized that he was a great saint and sought his surrender on the following day. The Vaishnava told him to leave the use of all such mantras and spells and to take the shelter of his guru Shri Vitthalnathji and the supreme Lord, Shri Krishna. Some days later, Shri Vitthalnathji stopped at Nandaguam on his way to Dwarka. That Vaishnava asked him on behalf of Sangji if he could be made a disciple. Shri Vitthalnthji replied, “That is the reason why I have come her.” Sangji then took initiation and became an accomiplished bhakta.

The king heard that a low caste shoe maker had taken on a Brahmicial code of living and summoned him. “you are a common shoe maker. How is ti that you are living in the style of a Brahmin?”

Sangji replied, “I am the disciple of Shri Vitthalnathji, therefore I have risen to that level.”

The king replied, Milk can be made into yogurt, but yogurt can hever be made into milk. In the same way. Someone from the priestly can fall to the class of a shoemaker, but a shoemaker can never become a priest,”

Saangji replied, “If I can turn yogurt into milk, will you belive me?”

The king then called for some yogurt and summoned all of the local priests to witness the event. Sanfji then loudly proclaimed, “If Shri Vitthalnathji has qualified me to live the way I do, then this yogurt will turn to milk, otherwise know that I am the lowest of all shoemakers.”

The king then called for some yogurt had turned to milk. Everyone present was convinced of the divinity of Shri Vittalnathji and they all became his followers.
From Nanda Gaum, Shri Mahaprabhuji procced to Karala, Anjano, Kari, Disoyo, Citravan, Jovat and finally to kakilavan where he stayed under a tree by the Krishna lake.

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Shri Sanketvan Baithakji Number 18

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By the Krishna Lake, Shri Mahaprabhuji stayed for seven days discussing Srimad Bhagavatam. During His discourse a girl of sixteen years adorned with ornaments of great splendour use do daily come and fan Shri Mahaprabhuji and when the discoursed was completed she would suddenly disappeat. After the seventh day, one Vaishnav asked Shri Mahaprabhuji who the young girl was. Shri Mahaprabhuji then said, “She is the goddess of Sanket, and has for a long time cherished the desire to make my services, so now her wish has been fulfilled.”

Form here, Shri Mahaprabhujji proceeded to Nandaguam stopping at Rithora to have the view of the gopi Chandrawali.

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Shri Gahvarvan Baithakji Number 17

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Here, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya stayed by a lake and held a ‘Bhagavata saptah’. One day he went on a walk to see the Gahavarvan forest and saw a dead boa constrictor with many ants biting it saying, “why did you ruin our lives|”

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Shri Kaamvan Baithakji Number 16

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Here at Gusainji's seat Mahaprabhuji gave darshan to Madhusudandas, after his 'leelapravesh'. Madhusudandas did Mahaprabhuji's seva daily & Chanted Shri Sarvottam Stotra, He had a wish to do Mahaprabhuji's Darshan. Doing so, 1 month passed & Shri Gusainji came & stayed there for three days, & went away. After 6 months Mahaprabhuji gave Madhusudandas' Darshan & told him "you needn't have waited so long. When shri Gusainji came here, & gave you darshan you saw a difference in me & him & waited. Firstly, Vaishnav's Duty is not to be Persistent, that's why you took to get my Darshan. If you wished to do my Darshan you could have gone to my lineage, wherever they reside"

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Shri Giriraj Par: Shrinathji Ke Mandir Me Baithakji Number 15

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On top of the Giriraj Mountain, on the balcony of Shri Nathji’s temple, Shri Mahaprabhuji used to sit when His worship of Shri Nathji was concluded. Onc when the Lord’s offering was late he heard Shri Radha’s anklet bells. Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhcharya turned and saw Her coming with a tray in order to receive the preparations which would be offered to Her Lord. Shri Mahaprabhuji later said to Dammala, “We should never be late in making the offering to the Lord, because it troubles the Divine Couple.”

Shti Mahaprabhuji stayed there until Devaprabodhini and gave many discourses on the Shrimad Bhagavaatam. Shri Mahaprabhuji then, after encircling the Giriraj Mountain, proceeded on His pilgrimage.

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Shri Sundar Shila: Jatipura Baithakji Number 14

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At the Sundar Shila on th Govardhan hill Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhachayra performed the Dipawali and Anakuta festivals and used one and one fourth kilo of rice. His grandson Shri Gokulnathji, many years later had the divine vision of Shri Mahaprabhuji performing this celebration.

At the Sundar Shila once Shri Mahaprabhuji fell asleep with his head on the lap of his beloved disciple Damala. Shri Nathji (Lord Krishna) suddenly appeared on the Giriraj Mountain and Damala signaled Him not to approach, because He might disturb Shri Mahaprabhuji not to be angry with Damala, for he had only carried out the duty of a devoted disciple. Shri Nathji then approached Shri Mahapppprabhuji and sat in his lap.

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Shri Govind Kund Baithakji Number 13

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At the Govinda lake, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya passed theree days speaking about Shri Krishna’s lilas. Krishnadas Meghan prayed to the guru to have the divine vision of the realm within the Govardhan Hill, but Shri Mahaprabhujji remained silent to his request.

Two days later, Krishnadas and Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to the sacred hill. There Krishnadas Meghan discovered a cave, and Shri Mahaprabhuji told him that his divine desire would be fulfilled within the cave. Taking Shri Mahaprabhuji’s permission, he removed the stone blocking the entrance and proceeded inwards. There he had the vision of the Lord’s divine reality, wherein he saw all different types of celestial paraphernalia used in Shri Krishna’s lila. Sitting above the lake there, he noticed a parraot incessantly repeating the Lord’s name. Krishnadas the repeated three tines the mantra, “Shri Krishna Shranam Mama”, and then fell unconscious only to recover two days later back on the Giriraj Mountain.

Later, when he reported his divine incident to Shri Mahaprabhuji, the guru asked him if he had seen everything that he had wanted to. Krishnadas replied, “All my wishes were fulfilled, but please explain to me who that parrot was.”

Shri Mahaprabhujji explaind, “That parrot took his birth billions of years ago in the Saraswata Kalpa and since then had developed the habit of always repeating Lord Krishna’s name. So strong was his addiction for the holy namme, that he never even took water for fear that during that time the Lord’s name would pass unnoticed. When he asw that you were taking the Lord’s name, he decided to take advantage of that time and took three sips of water. Shri Radha became so pleased that one of her disciples had come there that she blessed that parrot, who then dropped his boody and achieved the Lord’s eternal realm.”

Once, Shri Radha experienced a moment’s separation from her Lord, but it seemed to Her as if a million years had passed. At that time Shri Swaaminiji (Shri Radha), while in deep separation from her Lord contemplated on His union and breathing deeply repeated the Lord’s one hundred and eight names, whiiich later came to be known as the famous Krishna Premamrita Granth. When Radha repeated those names, Her union with Lord Krishna was again established. She then asked her Lord to whom the divine names should be presented. Shri Krishna replied, “To that person who is similar to you in virtues. Shri Radha then wrote the prayer on the Giriraj Hill. Later, shri Mahaprabhujji finding that stone, recited the names before Krishna Chaaitanya and Kesava Bhatt. Later, Shri Mahaprabhuji rememberd that he had previously promised one writing to Krishna Chaitanaya, subsequently gifted him the divine prayer. Froom here Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to the Govind and Apsara lakes and then stopped to have the sight of Balram’s temple, before he reached the Sundar Shilaji, where He sat under a tree near to a small temple.

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Aanyor Baithakji Number 12

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At Anyor, Shri Mahaprabhuji had His divine meeting with Shri Nathji. There, Shri Mahaprabhuji established a small temple for Shri Nathji (Lord Krishna) and alos gave discourse on the Shrimad Bhagavatam.

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Shri Parasoli Chandra Sarovar Baithakji Number 11

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At parasoli, Shri Mahaprabhuji, after having the sight of Bansivatm took his bath in the candra well at Candrasaroouvar. There He stayed for seven days, making the reading of the Srimad Bhagavatam. While residing there, Shri Mahapraabhuji showered His grace over all the Vaishnavas present there and showed them Lord Krisha’s divine Rasa dance.

Later, one Vaishnava asked Shri Mahaprabhujji how he could have the divine sight of the Shri Giriraj Mountain. Shri Mahaprabhuji replied to him explaining that if he made the circumambulation of Shri Giriraj three times in one day, without taking any rest during that time, he would definitely be blessed with the divine sight. After prostrating to Shri Mahaprabhuji, the Vaishnava went on his way. After making one circumambulation (fourteen miles), he saw a white snake. Taking it to be an ill omen, he stood still for a full hour before setting off again. Near the southern end of the hill he met a cow-herder who addressed him as a renunciate, and told him not to go any further. When the Vaishnava had proceeded a little way further, he saw a lion standing in the path. Feeling a bit afraid, he began to remember Shri Mahapprabhuji, and then the lion disappeared. Near the sundar sila, he saw a cow roaming about. After finishing his circumambulation, he went directly to see Shri Mahaprabhuji; and after offering his respects, he then reported that he had made the journey as ordered, but that he had not yet seen the divine form of the Giriraj mountain.

Shri Mhaprabhuji told him that it is written in the scriptures that the Giriraj moountainn has four forms; cow, lion, cow-herder and white snake. The Vaishnava realizing that he had had the sight of the divine form of the Giriraj Mountain, then bowed humbly before Shri Mahaprabhuji. Later Shri Mahaprabhuji hentioned to Damala “the Lord grants His divine sight, but without His wish one cannot recognize Him.”
After celebration Divali, Shri Mahaprabhuji left the Sundar Sila and proceeded to penta, where Shri Marayan practiced austerities,and later gained admission into Lord Krishna’s Braja lila. In penta there is also the Lakshmi well, where Shri Lakshmiji had performed austerities. This divine pastime has been narrated in the Samaveda. Shri Mahaprabhuji the proceeded to Sadhu pande’s house in Anyou.

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Shri Mansiganga Baithakji Number 10

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Shri Mahaprabhuji stayed for seven days at Mansi Ganga. There he made discourses on the Srimad Bhagavatam. Nearby was the hut where Shri Krishna Chaitanaya used to sit in worship. At that time, Krishna Chaitanya made a vow not to speak to anyone before completing one hundred and twenty-five thousand names of the Lord. Before he had finished that number of repetitions, someone told him that Shri Mahaprabhuji had arrived. Shri Krishna Chaitanya later came to see Shri Mahaprabhuji and after he paid his respects, Shri Mahaprabhuji asked him for how long he had been there. He replied, “six months. I bathe regularly in the Mansi Ganga with the hope that I might have the Vision of the lake as being full of milk, as described in the scriptures. Jagannath puri. Last night Mansi Ganga told me that Shri Mahaprabhuji will be coming here; he will be able to fulfill all your desires.” Shri Mahaprabhuji, on hearing this, sprinkled water from his water pot into the eyes of Shri Krishna Chaitanya as well as wver all the Vaishnavas around Him. They all received spiritual insight and had the vision of the divine form of the Mansi Ganga lake as being consisting of only milk and everyone bathed in the divine lake. Soon after, the divine vision vanished from their eyes,

Shri Mahaprabhuji later made a reading of the Srimad Bhagavatam and Chakleswr Mahadev (Shiva), whose temple is also on the banks of the lake, daily came to listen.

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Shri Radhakrushna Kund Baithakji Number 9

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Within the holy waters of Radha kund lake Shri Radha’s divine palace. On the side of that sacred lake, under a tree, Shri Mahaprabhuji resided for one month. The seat of Shri Gusainji is also situated there.

One morning, shri Mahaprabhuji saw Shri Radha-Krishna walking hand in hand into the Govardhan mountain. Shri Mahaprabhuji, who knows the inner intentions of all of Shri Krishna’s lilas accompanied by a few disciples, approached Divine Couple. The other Vaishnavas upon seeing the Lord lost complete awareness of their material bodies and fell lifeless to the ground. The Divine couple then ordered Shri Mahaprabhuji accompany them. Theree days later, Shri Mahaprabhuji returned to that spot and found his disciples in the same unconscious condition. Shri Mahaprabhuji, after telling His beloved disciple Damala about what had happened, took some water from His pot and sprinkled it all over His disciples who immediately regained consciousness.

Later, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to the eight lakes of th eight gopis situated around there, and took His bath all of them. Shri Mahaprabhuji explained that the greatness the Radha and Krishna lakes lies in the fact that Radha’s lake Radha dug out with Her finger-nails, while Krishna’s lake the Lord dug with His flute, thus making the waters of both of the lakes extremely sacred.

From Radha Kund Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to Kusumasarovar lake and after bathing there He met with Lord Kishna’s friend Uddhava who asked Him to explain the famous Bhramar Gita, An ode to a Black Bee which appears in the tenth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatan and reveals the Gopis highest love for Lord Krishna. Shri Mahaprabhuji then recited one sloka to Udhava and in explaining just one fourth of that line took nine hours. For that entire time, Shri Mahaprabhuji remained standing and was unaware of anything else, being totally lost in the nectar of the Srimad Bagavatam. Uddhavaji then said that he was not able to listen to the entire Bhramar Gita, but that he would like to listen to the purport of just a single sloka. Shri Mahaprabhuji then discussed for thirty-six hours the purport of that single line. All of the devotees present there became so engrossed in the discourse that they did not suffer any sleepiness, hunger or even thirst.
From there, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to Gwala Pokhar and then to Mansi Ganga at Govardhan where Shri Mahaprabhuji, after bathing, took His seat under one Chhokar tree.

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Shri Bahulavan Baithakji Number 8

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At Bahulavan, Shri Mahaprabhuji stayed three days giving discourses on the Srimad Bagavatam. The brahmans of that area prayed to Shri Mahaprabhuji that their non-Hindu king had prohibited them from worshipping the Image of the holy Vahula cow. The king proclaimed that the worship could only be commenced when he Image would eat grass. Shri Mahaprabhuji then ordered the king’s presence and showed to him the Image of the Vahula cow partaking of the offered grass. The king then fell prostrate at shri Mahaprabhuji’s feet and prayed to be made a disciple. Shri Mahaprabhuji told him that in this birth his acceptance was not possible but that in his next birth he would become a disciple. Tha tking lived for some time and after leaving that body he took birth in a family of boatmen as Meha Dhemar and later became the disciple of shri Mahaprabhuji’s son Shri Vitthalnathji.

From Bahulavan, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to the town of Jikhan where Shri Mahaprabhuji had the sight of Balaram, Shri Krishna’s older brother and there made Balaram’s ornamentation.

From there, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to Radha kund.

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Shri Kamodvan Baithakji Number 7

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Form Madhuvan, Shri Mahaprabhuji proceeded to the Talvana lake and there bathed after encircling the holy lake. Because there was no Deity of Lord Krishna there, Shri Mahaprabhuji did not give any discourse.

From Talvana He proceeded to Kamodvan and halted for three days there under a Shyam Tamal tree by the side of a lake. While residing there, Shri Mahaprabhuji’s beloved disciple Krishnadas Meghan prayed, “why is this holy place blessed with the name Kamodvan?” Shri Mahaprabhuji replied, “In the Sama veda it is explained that once Lord Krishna and Shri Radha arrived in this forest which was enchanted by the cool beams of the full moon. Shri Radha then begged Her Lord to have established there a forest of Kamoda and Kamodini trees. The Lord carried out Her wish and also made two ponds full of lotuses, because the lotus is very dear to the Kamodini tree. Hence the name of this area came to be Kamodvan, forest of Kamodini trees.

His disciples then prayed to have the divine sight of the lotuses and the Kamodini trees. Shri Mahaprabhuji then said, “Let it be so;” and said the following Sloka from the Bhagaved Gita, “I give you divine eyes so that you will be able to behold My divine form...” By the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, all of the bhaktas present there had the divine vision of a bower full of lotuses and Kamodini trees.

They all lost complete consciousness of everything and becane so absorbed in the celestial bower that Shri Mahaprabhuji thought that they would not return to their material existences if their trance lasted too long. Subsequently He took away their celestial sight, and all returned to material existence. The reason why Shri Mahaprabhuji did so, was that their time for worldly life had not yet been completed.
From here, shri Mahaprabhuji went to Bahulavan, and after bathing in the Sanatanu and Gandharva lakes, He rested under a large shady tree on the banks of e Krishna lake.

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Shri Madhvan Baithakji Number 6

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From Mathura Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhachayra proceeded to Madhuvan where he had the sight of the Lord Madhuvaniyan’s temple established by Shri Brahanabha. After bathing in the lake there, he began a saptha, a seven day doscpirse on the Shrimad Bhagavatam. The Lord use to listen to the discourses and when then temple priest did not find the Lord in the temple he was confounded. When the Lord did return to his temple he told the priest o perform his worship very early in the morning so that he could have time to hear Shri Mahaprabhuji.


From here, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya accompanied by Vasudeva Chhakra, Yadvendradas, Govindad Deba, Madhava Bhatt Surdas, and Pramanandas continued his pilgrimage of the Sacre Braja land.

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Vishram Ghat: Mathura Baithakji Number 5

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At Vrindavan, Shri Mahaprabhuji offered to Prabhudas some prasada who in turn replied that he was not able to take the prasada because he had not bathed. Shri Mahaprabhuji then His flute under every tree and resides in His four-armed form within every leaf. Vrindavan’s greatness is concealed to some and visible to others. In such sacre land where even the dust is purifying, why consider whether one has bathed or not?”

Prabhudas then had the divine vision of that very sloka and saw Shri Krishna permeating every leaf on all the trees. After that sight, prabhudas partook of the prasada before taking his bath.

Once, a disciple of Shri Krishna Chaitanya, Gopaldas, prayed to Shri Krishna Chaitanya to give him a Deity to worship. Shri Chaitanya in turn entrusted to him a shaligram. Gopaldas worshipped the shligram but was distressed at heart because he desired a Deity which he could decorate with clothes and jewels, and on a shligram this can not be done. He later approached hiis guru in hopes of securing such a Deity. Shri Krishna Chaitanya, however, remained silent. After Shri Chaitanaya and proceeded to Jagannathpuri, Gopaldas had a dream in which Shri Krishna Chaitanaya told him, “I have appeared to establish the greatness of chanting the Lord’s najes. Only Shri Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu has the right to give the service of the Lord’s svarupa. By His grace your wish will become fulfilled.”

When Shri Mahaprabhuji arrived in Vrindavan, Gopaldas prayed to Him “my guru has entrusted me with the service of a shaligram, but within my heart is the desire to serve and adorn the Deity. Are you aple to entrust me with a svarupa of Lord Krishna?” Shri Mahaprabhujii then said, “If your sentiment is pure while you are performing your worship, then that shaligram will be transformed into the image of Shri Krishna. The shaligram will remain in the back of the Deity. You should not worry, for Lord Krishna Himself will accomplish everything. You just see in the morning what is the condition of your shaligram.”

Gopaldas then returned home, and the following morning, by the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, his shaligram became transformed into the most enchanting svarupa of Shri Krishna called Radha Raman. (This Deity can be presently seen in Vrindavan.)

Gopaldas, realizing that Shri Mahaprabhuji was Shri Krishna Himself, approached Shri Mahaprabhuji with the hope of becoming His disciple, but Shri Mahaprabhuji told him, “In this birth you are the disciple of Shri Krishna Chaitanaya; in your nest birth you will enter into the path or Grace.” So it is said, “After thousands of years and many births of meditation Lord Narayana removes one’s sins and grants the soul devotion.” In his nest birth, Gopaldas became the renowned devotee of the path of Grace, Gopal Naga.

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Bansibat: Vrundavan Baithakji Number 4

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At Vrindavan, Shri Mahaprabhuji offered to Prabhudas some prasada who in turn replied that he was not able to take the prasada because he had not bathed. Shri Mahaprabhuji then His flute under every tree and resides in His four-armed form within every leaf. Vrindavan’s greatness is concealed to some and visible to others. In such sacre land where even the dust is purifying, why consider whether one has bathed or not?”

Prabhudas then had the divine vision of that very sloka and saw Shri Krishna permeating every leaf on all the trees. After that sight, prabhudas partook of the prasada before taking his bath.

Once, a disciple of Shri Krishna Chaitanya, Gopaldas, prayed to Shri Krishna Chaitanya to give him a Deity to worship. Shri Chaitanya in turn entrusted to him a shaligram. Gopaldas worshipped the shligram but was distressed at heart because he desired a Deity which he could decorate with clothes and jewels, and on a shligram this can not be done. He later approached hiis guru in hopes of securing such a Deity. Shri Krishna Chaitanya, however, remained silent. After Shri Chaitanaya and proceeded to Jagannathpuri, Gopaldas had a dream in which Shri Krishna Chaitanaya told him, “I have appeared to establish the greatness of chanting the Lord’s najes. Only Shri Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu has the right to give the service of the Lord’s svarupa. By His grace your wish will become fulfilled.”

When Shri Mahaprabhuji arrived in Vrindavan, Gopaldas prayed to Him “my guru has entrusted me with the service of a shaligram, but within my heart is the desire to serve and adorn the Deity. Are you aple to entrust me with a svarupa of Lord Krishna?” Shri Mahaprabhujii then said, “If your sentiment is pure while you are performing your worship, then that shaligram will be transformed into the image of Shri Krishna. The shaligram will remain in the back of the Deity. You should not worry, for Lord Krishna Himself will accomplish everything. You just see in the morning what is the condition of your shaligram.”

Gopaldas then returned home, and the following morning, by the grace of Shri Mahaprabhuji, his shaligram became transformed into the most enchanting svarupa of Shri Krishna called Radha Raman. (This Deity can be presently seen in Vrindavan.)

Gopaldas, realizing that Shri Mahaprabhuji was Shri Krishna Himself, approached Shri Mahaprabhuji with the hope of becoming His disciple, but Shri Mahaprabhuji told him, “In this birth you are the disciple of Shri Krishna Chaitanaya; in your nest birth you will enter into the path or Grace.” So it is said, “After thousands of years and many births of meditation Lord Narayana removes one’s sins and grants the soul devotion.” In his nest birth, Gopaldas became the renowned devotee of the path of Grace, Gopal Naga.

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Shayya Mandir: Shrimad Gokul Baithakji Number 3

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Badi Baithak: Shrimad Gokul Baithakji Number 2

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Shri Mahaprabhuji’s second seat at Gokul, is the largest of the three and it was there Shri Mahaprabhuji used to take His meals and give divine discourses. Once the disciples of the renowned Shri Krishna Chaitanya felt that they had the right to serve Shri Nathji, but Shri Nathji Himself advised them that their qualification was to worship Him by chanting His divine names, for through that worship; their liberation would occur. The Lord further explained that the right to His personal Services lay only in the hands of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya.

The saints of Vrindavan, curious about who Shri Mahaprabhuji was, sent one man, Shyama Nanda, to Gokul. He arrived there and hung his Shaligram on a tree and went in to have the sight of Shri Mahaprabhuji. Upon returning, he noticed that his shaligram was no longer on the tree, so he again approached Shri Mahaprabhuji and questioned, “Someone, perhaps one of your disciples has taken my Shaligram.”

Shri Mahaprabhuji replied, “No one has stolen your shaligram. Go again and see.”

Upon returning to the tree, he saw it was covered with shaliframs; and feeling confused, he again approached Shri Mahaprabhuji saying, “Now there are countless shaligrams, and I am unable to recognize my own. “Shri Mahaprabhuji then questioned, “How can you properly serve your shaligram kf you can not even recognize it? Through this type of worship, can you ever come to know your Lord? Now you go again to that tree and see.” Returning to the tree, he found only one shaligram, and taking it, retyrned to Vrindavan and reported the strange series of events to his guru brothers.

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Govind Ghat: Shrimad Gokul Baithakji Number 1

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At Gokul there are three seats. Shri Mahaprabhuji’s first seat is situated under a Chhonkar tree by the banks of the holy Yamunaji river at Govind Ghat. Shri Mahaprabhuji stayed here during His first pilgrimage to Gokul. Upon arriving there, he asked His disciple Damodaardas Harsani, “Damal, is this the Gohat of Govind or of Thakurani? At that moment a young woman adorned with divine ornaments appeared and said, “this is Govind Ghat Thakurani Ghat is to your right”, and then suddenly disappeared. Shri Mhaprabhuji then joyfully said to Damala, “Shri Yamunaji’s kindness is beyond measure; not being able to bear seeing our dismay, She Herself came only to differentiate the two Ghats.” Damal then prayed to Shri Mahprabhuji, “what is the spiritual significance of these two gnats? Smiling, Shri Mahaprabhuji continued, “From Mahavan to Govind Ghat is Lord Krishna’s boundary while from Rawal to Thakurani Ghat is Shri Radha’s boundary. This tree here can be compared to the Creator Brahma.

That evening, the eleventh day of the bright half of Shravan, roughly the last half of August, after Damala had retired, Shri Mahaprabhuji became concerned as to how divinelyoriented souls could achieve their joyful reunion with Shrii Krishna. Shri Mahaprabhuji thus thought, suddenly Shri Nathji (Lord Krishna )appeared in front of Shri Mahaprabhuji and consoled him, “why are you so dismayed, the solution is quite simple; those who are initiated by you will have their five major sins removed, namely, related to birth, nature, time, connection, and touch. Shri Mahaprabhuji then adorned the Lord with a dhoti, a shawl, and a ‘pavitra’ Then, Shri Nathji continued, “I shall personally see for the

Upliftment of those who take Brahma Sambandha. “After saying this, Lord Krishna vanished from the very spot.

The following morning, Shri Mahaprabhuji questioned Damala, “Did you hear anything last night?” Damala replied, “I faintly heard something, but how can a common man like myself understand the words of the supreme Lord?

Shri Mahaprabhuji explained to him Shri Krishna’s divine message of Brahma Sambandha. Damala then prayed to be initiated and Shri Mahaprabhuji consenting, gave him the holy formula, thus firmly establishing the path of Grace within his heart. Shri Mahaprabhuji then said, “This path is intended for divine souls like yourself.

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The Story of Shri Krushnadas Meghan - 1

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कृष्णदास मेघन क्षत्रिय की वार्ता

एक समय श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा की | उस समय कृष्णदास मेघन भी साथ ही थे, बद्रीनारायण के उस ओर किरनी नामक पर्वत है, वहा से एक शिलाखण्ड गिरा, उसे कृष्णदास ने आपने हाथो में थम लिया | इस पर श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु बहुत प्रसन्न हुए | उन्होंने कृष्णदास से कहा - "माँगो, क्या माँगते हो |" तब कृष्णदास ने तीन वस्तु माँगी -"प्रथम तो - मुखरता का दोष नष्ट हो | द्वित्तीय मार्ग के सिद्धान्त का रहस्य समझ में आ जाए | तुत्तिय - मेरे गुरुदेव के घर आप स्वयं पधरावनी करे |" उनमे से प्रथम दोनों वस्तुओ की स्वीकृति श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने तत्काल ही प्रदान कर दि, लेकिन गुरु के घर पधारने के लिए निषेध कर दिया |

इसके बाद बद्रिकाश्रम से आगे प्रस्थान किया | अगम्य पर्वत प्रदेश जहा जीवन गम्य नहीं है, वहा श्री वेदव्यासजी का स्थान है | श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु वहा पधारे ओर कृष्णदास से कहा "तू यही खड़ा रहना |" श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु आगे पधारे तो श्री वेड व्यासजी सामने आये और श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु को अपने धाम में ले आये | श्री वेदव्यासजी ने श्री आचार्यजी से पूछा - " तुमने श्री भागवतजी की टीका लिखी है, वह मुझे सुनाओ |" श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने युगल गीत के अध्याय का एक श्लोक कहा -

वाम बाहुकृत्वाम कपोलो वल्गित भ्रृरधरार्पित वेणुम् |
कोमलांगुलिभिराश्रितमार्ग गोप्य ईरयति यत्र मुकुन्दः ||

इस श्लोक का व्याख्यान किया तो तीन दिन व्यतीत हो गए | श्री वेदव्यासजी ने विनय भाव से कहा - " मैं इस भागवत के व्याख्यान की अवधारणा नहीं कर सकता हु, अतः मुझे क्षमा करो |" तत्पश्चात श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने वेदव्यास से कहा -" आपने वेदान्त में ऐसे सूत्र क्या लिख दिये कि उनका मायावाद परक अर्थ लगा है |" श्री वेदव्यासजी बोले - "मैं क्या करू ? मुझे तो आज्ञा ही ऐसी थी, कि इस प्रकार के अर्थ करना |" श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने कहा -"मैंने ब्रह्मवादपरक अर्थ किया है |" व्यासजी को ब्रह्मवादपरक अर्थ सुनाया जिसे सुनकर वे बहुत प्रसन्न हुए | वे व्यासजी से विदा होकर तीसरे दिन जब श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु कृष्णदास के पास पधारे तो कृष्णदास से कहा - तू यही ठहर रहा है गया क्यों नहीं |" कृष्णदास ने कहा -"महाराज मै कहा जाऊ, मुझे आपके चरणारविन्दो के अलावा कोई अन्य आश्रय ही नहीं है |" यह सुनकर श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु बहुत प्रसन्न हुए और बोले -" माँग तू क्या माँगता है ?" कृष्णदास ने वे ही तीन वस्तु माँगी - एक तो मुखरता का दोष दूर हो, दुसरे - मार्ग का सिद्धान्त रहस्य समझ में आ जाए, तीसरे - मेरे गुरुदेव के घर पदार्पण करो | इन तीनो में से दो ही वस्तु प्रदान करना स्वीकार किया और गुरु के घर पधारने का निषेध किया |

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The Story of Shri Damodar Das Harsaniji - 2

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"अथ दामोदर दास हरसानी की वार्ता" - प्रसंग - 

पुनः श्री महाप्रभु ने श्री ठाकुरजी से यह याचना की कि दामोदर दास का देह उनके [श्री आचार्यजी के ] सामने नहीं छुटे | श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु के अन्तरंग सेवक दामोदर दास से वे कोई भी तथ्य गोपनीय नहीं रखते थे | श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु तो श्रीमद् भागवत का अहर्निश अनुसन्धान करते रहते थे तथा कथा के माध्यम से दामोदर दास के ह्रदय में " पुष्टिमार्ग सिध्धान्त एवं भगवद्लीला रहस्य" स्थापित करते रहते थे |

एक समय दामोदर दास और श्री गुंसाईजी (श्री विट्ठलनाथजी) एकान्त में विराजमान थे, श्री गुंसाईजी ने दामोदर दास से पूछा - "तुम श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु को क्या करके जानते हो?" तो दामोदर दास ने कहा "हम तो श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु को जगदीश श्री ठाकुरजी से भी अधिक करके जानते हे |" श्री गुंसाईजी ने दामोदर दास से कहा - "तुम एसा क्यों कहते हो कि श्री आचार्यजी, श्री ठाकुरजी से भी बड़े हे?" तब दामोदर दास ने उत्तर दिया - "महाराज दान बड़ा होता हे या दाता?" किसी के पास कितना ही धन क्यों न हो, यदि वह धन में से दान करेगा, तभी वह धन में से दान करेगा, तभी तो वह दाता बनेगा, श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु का सर्वस्व धन तो श्री ठाकुरजी ही हे, उन्होंने (श्री आचार्यजी ने) हमें अपने जीवन-सर्वस्व का दान किया हे अतः हम उन्हें (श्री आचार्यजी को) सबसे बड़ाकरके जानते हे |

एक अन्य समय की बात हे जब श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु तथा श्री गुंसाईजी आपनी बैठक में विराजमान थे | उनके पास दो-चार वैष्णव हँसने खेलने के लिए बैठे थे | आप (श्री आचार्यजी ने) उनसे हँस-खेलकर हँसी (मसखरी) कर रहे थे और बड़ी प्रसन्नता से खेल-खेल में वार्ता भी कर रहे थे | उसी समय दामोदर दास भी आ गए | दामोदर दास ने कहा - "महाराज, अपना मार्ग निश्चिन्तता का नहीं है | यह मार्ग तो कष्टपूर्ण आतुरता का है | इस पर श्री गुंसाईजी ने कहा - "तुम बहुत अच्छी बाते करते हो लेकिन हमारे ऊपर श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु की कृपा होगी तभी हमें कष्टपूर्ण आतुरता होगी | यह मार्ग तो श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु की कृपा से ही प्राप्त है |" दामोदर दास साष्टांग दण्डवत करके बोले - "हमें तो एक बार राज (आप) से विनती करनी थी की यह मार्ग इस प्रकार व्यव्हार करने योग्य है | इसके पश्चात तो आप स्वयं प्रभु है आपको जैसा रुचेगा वैसे करेंगे | यह सुनकर श्री गुंसाईजी बहुत प्रसन्न हुए और बोले की हमें श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु का निर्देश है कि दामोदर दास जो कहे उसे मन लगाकर स्वीकार करो |" हम इसीलिए तुम्हारी ओर देखकर अति प्रसन्नता का अनुभव करते है | इस प्रकार आप (श्री गुंसाईजी) ने दामोदर दास को श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु का अन्तरंग सेवक समझा और उनकी शिक्षा को स्वीकार करते रहे | सच है - बड़े तो बड़े ही होते है |

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The Story of Shri Damodar Das Harsaniji - 1

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" अथ दामोदर दास हरसानी की वार्ता "

एह समय की बात हे कि श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करने हेतु प्रस्थान किया, उनके साथ दामोदर दास भी थे, श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु अपने श्री मुख से, दामोदर दास को दमला नाम से पुकारते थे | श्री आचर्य जी ने दमला से कहा - " यह पुष्टिमार्ग तुम्हारे लिए प्रकट किया हे |"

श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा करते हुए श्री गोकुल में पदार्पण किया | श्री गोकुल में गोविन्द घाट के ऊपर श्री महाप्रभुजी चबूतरेपर विराजते थे | वहाँ पर अब श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु की बैठक हे और वही पर श्री द्वारिकानाथजी का मन्दिर भी हे |

एक दिन श्री आचार्यजी गोविन्द घाट पर अवस्थित चबूतरे पर विराजमान थे, उसी समय उनके मन में विचार आया, " श्री ठाकुरजी ने हमें जीवों को 'ब्रह्म सम्बन्ध' कराने की आज्ञा की हे, जीव तो दोषवान हे और श्री पुरुषोत्तम तो गुण निधान हे, इस प्रकार दोषयुक्त जीव का गुण निधान श्री ठाकुरजी से सम्बन्ध होना कैसे सम्भव हो सकता हे?" इस चिन्ता से अभिभूत होकर श्री आचार्यजी बहुत आतुर हुए उसी समय श्री ठाकुरजी प्रगट हो गए और श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु से पूछा कि आप चिन्तातुर क्यों हो रहे हो? श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने कहा - "आप स्वयं जानते है कि जीव तो दोस्वन हे अतः उस जीव का आपसे सम्बन्ध होना कैसे सम्भव है?" श्री ठाकुरजी ने उन्हें आस्वस्त किया - "तुम जिन जीवों को ब्रह्म सम्बन्ध कराओगे उनको मैं अंगीकार करूँगा, तुम जीवो को 'नाम-दान' करोगे उनके समस्त दोष निवृत्त हो जायेंगे |"

यह प्रसंग श्रावण शुक्ला एकादशी को अर्धरात्रि में चरितार्थ हुआ | प्रातः काल द्वादशी के दिन श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने श्री ठाकुरजी को सूत की पवित्रा धारण कराई और मिश्री का भोग रखा | उन्ही अक्षरों के अनुसार श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने 'सिध्धांत-रहस्य' नामक ग्रन्थ की रचनाकी | प्रमानार्थ श्लोक है-

श्रावणस्यामले पक्षे एकादश्यां महानिशि |
साक्षाद् भगवता प्रोक्तं, तदक्षरशउच्यते ||

[ श्रावण शुक्लपक्ष कि महानिश (अर्धरात्रि) में साक्षाद् भगवान् ने जो आज्ञा की है उन्हें अक्षरशः कहा जाता है |]

उस समय श्री आचार्यजी महाप्रभु ने दमला से पूछा - "तुमने कुछ सुना?" तब दामोदर दास ने विनय पूर्वक कहा - " मैने वचन तो सुने किन्तु मैं कुछ समझा नहीं |" तत्काल ही श्री महाप्रभु ने कहा - " श्री ठाकुरजी ने मुझे आदेशित किया है, कि जिन जीवो को हम ब्रह्म सम्बन्ध कराएँगे उनको वे अंगीकार करेंगे और जीवों के सकल दोष निवृत्त हो जायेंगे | अतः ब्रह्म सम्बन्ध कराना आवश्यक है |"

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